Sunrise Territory Estates Homeowners Association

Monthly reminders for June

I hope this email finds you enjoying your final days of Spring.

While there are no board meetings happening in the Tucson “off season”, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone to double check that their post light is working after dusk. It is also important to keep a watchful eye out for unusual activity, such as strangers peering into cars and open garages or going door to door. While soliciting may seem innocent, it is prohibited and is often a ruse used by burglars to determine if anyone is home. These are familiar patterns of recent thefts in the Sunrise area, including Fairfield.

From our Landscape Committee Chair: You may have noticed that our landscaper has applied pre-emergent to the manicured common areas. It is a good time for residents to do the same, in anticipation of the monsoon. If you prefer to not use a pre-emergent, it will be important to keep up with the weed control to maintain a clean look for our HOA.


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