Landscaping Committee Responsibilities:
Maintain common areas.
Respond to property owner’s requests and submissions.
Seek Board input and approval when appropriate.
Seek Board approval for the annual Landscape Budget and any expenses needed that are not covered in the budget throughout the year.
STE HOA includes 128 acres reserved as naturally landscaped common areas. A portion of these are contracted to be professionally maintained (see below):
Landscape related documents and forms:
More detail on landscape work being done:
Most of the common area acreage is left alone to tend to itself. Cherry Landscaping, our main landscape contractor, maintains approximately 15 feet from the roads that make up STEHOA as well as the grounds around and inside the recreation center. Their team comes in each Wednesday to prune, weed, fertilize in season and make minor irrigation adjustments, among other tasks. In addition Cherry is concentrating on gradually removing mistletoe (a parasite that eventually kills its host) from our palo verde and mesquite trees, lifting desert spoon cacti to discourage pack rat infestation, and removing small dead trees in this zone as time permits.
If you have any plans to make material changes to the landscaping of your lot or have an inquiry concerning our common areas, please email me at